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Новости Саммита

Объединения работодателей Арктической зоны Российской Федерации стали информационным партнером Саммита Арктика-2018 (Санкт-Петербург)

Спасатели Якутии едут в Петербург на Саммит «Арктика 2018 СПб»

15-16 февраля 2018 в Санкт-Петербурге на площадке Санкт-Петербургского Государственного Морского Технического университета (СПбГМТУ) состоится Международный Арктический саммит «Арктика и шельфовые проекты: перспективы, инновации и развитие регионов»

22-23 ноября в Норильске состоялся Слет социальных предпринимателей Севера, организованный по инициативе компании «Норникель»

Журнал «Оборонно-Промышленный Потенциал» стал информационным партнером саммита Арктика-2018 (Санкт-Петербург)

Media partners

  Арктические ведомости

Official media partner of the State Commission on development of the Arctic.

Information-analytical, scientific-popular journal "Arctic and Antarctic: the story, the search perspective"

Media partner of the Arctic Council of the Assembly of peoples of Eurasia

PRO-ARCTIC is Russian independent information-analytical network edition dedicated to responsible and rational development of resources in the Russian Arctic.

Magazine "Military-Industrial Potential"

Magazine "Military-Industrial Potential" - covering a broad range of issues, military and defense industry. As a tool of interaction between different organizations of the defense complex and business, the publication sees its mission in uniting the interests of these readers ' audiences.

The editorial Board invites to cooperation the defense, as well as companies that supply products of dual and civil purpose, which undoubtedly contributes to the expansion of markets for domestic military equipment and range of foreign partners in military-technical cooperation. We are ready to various forms of cooperation and willing to consider counter-proposals on the content of the publication, and also consider questions of information security.

  Maritime TV channel "Гавань ТВ"

The national trade magazine "Oil and gas vertical"

The national trade magazine "Oil and gas vertical" was published more than 20 years. Occupies a leading position in the segment of oil and gas in the Russian media.

The magazine is aimed at managers and specialists of enterprises of the fuel and energy sector, politicians and representatives of authorities who are professionally interested in the problems of the energy sector.

The journal "Neftegazovaya Vertikal" awarded the prestigious award of the contest "MediaTek-2017".

  Ecological Herald of Russia

Scientific-practical journal. Published since 1990. The best available technology and equipment, energy and ecological safety, sustainable development in petrochemical complexes, waste management, water and heat supply, housing, alternative energy, climate change, environmental regulations, environmental monitoring, eco-management, environmental audit and insurance.

The main sections: "Oil. Gas. Chemistry: environmental protection", "waste management", "Water supply. Heat. Utilities", "environmental protection: Laws. Norm. Rules", "EcoTechnologies and equipment", "OOS: the Innovative experience of the companies", "Education. The training".

Contents: the best available technology and equipment, energy and ecological safety, sustainable development in petrochemical complexes, waste management, water and heat supply, housing, alternative energy, climate change, environmental regulations, environmental monitoring, eco-management, environmental audit and insurance.

127521, Russia, Moscow, ul Staromaryinskoe shosse, 22, building 28
Tel/ Fax +7(495) 618-29-83
Tel.+7(985) 760-90-25; (925) 518-58-20
[email protected]
[email protected]

  Neftegaz.RU Business magazine. Wondering about serious.