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Новости Саммита

Объединения работодателей Арктической зоны Российской Федерации стали информационным партнером Саммита Арктика-2018 (Санкт-Петербург)

Спасатели Якутии едут в Петербург на Саммит «Арктика 2018 СПб»

15-16 февраля 2018 в Санкт-Петербурге на площадке Санкт-Петербургского Государственного Морского Технического университета (СПбГМТУ) состоится Международный Арктический саммит «Арктика и шельфовые проекты: перспективы, инновации и развитие регионов»

22-23 ноября в Норильске состоялся Слет социальных предпринимателей Севера, организованный по инициативе компании «Норникель»

Журнал «Оборонно-Промышленный Потенциал» стал информационным партнером саммита Арктика-2018 (Санкт-Петербург)


Information letter ?? The Venue Of The Summit 2018 ?? Directorship ?? Program of the Summit ARCTIC 2018 SPb ?? Conditions of participation

The list of speakers ?? Media partners

On-line application for participation in the Summit

Dear colleagues!

We invite you to the International Arctic Summit "Arctic and offshore projects: prospects, innovations and development of regions" (Arctic 2018 SPb), which will be held on February 15-16, 2018 in St. Petersburg at the St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University (SPbSMTU) and will is devoted to the important aspects of the complex development of the Arctic.

The Summit was organized by the St. Petersburg Arctic Academy of Sciences in partnership with the Institute of Arctic Petroleum Technologies of the Gubkin Russian State University (National Research University) of Oil and Gas and SBSTU and with the support of the Arctic Council of the Assembly of Peoples of Eurasia, the Union of Oil and Gas Producers of Russia, the National Association of Oil and Gas Services. The Summit is operated by the Agency for Science-Based and Innovative Technologies "Forecast-Nord" LLC.

The Arctic zone stands out as a special object of state administration. The Summit will cover the whole range of issues on the effective implementation of the new state policy of a vast and unique region, which is the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. The condition of successful development of the North and the Far East should be the integrated nature of the development of these territories, with the active solution of production, resource, transport, infrastructure projects based on modern and efficient technologies and developments. Issues of modern innovative technologies and import substitution, specific regional and sectoral programs and projects, their mutual linking within the framework of a unified Arctic infrastructure, state order for technologies, equipment and personnel for Arctic needs, financing and creating a favorable investment climate, preservation of the Arctic as a zone of peace and cooperation will be widely represented at the specialized sessions of the Summit.

Together with discussion opportunities an exhibition is provided to demonstrate the highly effective technologies and developments of Russian and foreign organizations participating in the Summit. During the Summit it is planned to visit the Krylov State Research Center and familiarize with its unique experimental facilities, where high-tech vessels and offshore structures are being developed.

Representatives of federal and regional structures, leading Russian and foreign oil and gas and energy companies, transport, financial, scientific, service and other organizations are expected to attend the Summit.

The Summit will allow to exchange experience to Russian and foreign experts and establish business contacts.

See you at the "Arctic 2018 SPb" Summit.